Before I get into the details of my day I want to tell you a little bit about why this was my first cruise. The main reason was that I didn’t think cruising was for me. I was worried about sea sickness. I thought it would be too stuffy. I thought it would be too schedule oriented. I thought the cabins would be so small that I’d feel trapped. I thought it would be too crowded. I thought there were too many hidden fees. I thought a lot of things about cruising and I was worried about spending money on a trip and being miserable and sick the whole time. Liberty of the Seas showed me I was wrong.
Seasickness was my main concern. I easily get motion sick and the thought of not being able to stop the motion to feel better really concerned me. Before going on the cruise I had heard about so many different ways that people prevent sickness. I didn’t know which way to go and what would work best. I asked my neurologist thinking he would prescribe me a patch or some sort of prescription. He simply said the an over-the-counter medicine like Dramamine. I had taken Dramamine in the past, but didn’t like that it made me drowsy. I had also taken Bonine which made me less drowsy compared to Dramamine so I decided to go the Bonine route. I took my first pill an hour before going on the ship. While I could feel the movement, the medicine worked! The first night I woke up at around 4am because the medicine wore off and I had started to feel ill from the motion. I took another chewable tablet and about 20 minutes later I felt fine. I then tried acupuncture and in the session I was also given these seeds that were placed on certain points on my ears. It worked! I didn’t need to take any more Bonine and I don’t have even the slightest bit of seasickness! For the record, I can totally feel the ship moving at most times. It’s just that now the movement doesn’t bother me. So I found out, the seasickness is preventable. Hooray!
My next concern was the small cabin. I think I prepared myself for something more smaller and was pleasantly surprised by the size of the cabin. It also helped that I had the cabin to myself. I’m in an ocean view balcony cabin and it’s bigger than I expected. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still small but not as small as I thought. Two adults would be comfortable. I think two adults and two children is feasible but it would be pretty tight.
One by one I learned the truth about each concern and in the end, none of them were an issue!
Okay so now back to what happened today! I started the morning with a continental breakfast that was delivered to my room. I received a call first…well actually two because the first one woke me up and then by the second one I was awake enough to answer. Shortly after the call, my yogurt, fruit, English muffin, and coffee were delivered. Everything was delicious and it was very convenient! Continental breakfast room service is complimentary!

After breakfast I headed to the fitness center for a cycle class! The bikes were setup facing mirrors which allowed you to kind of have a panoramic view of ocean. It was beautiful! The class was awesome. It seems not too many people workout on the ship. It was just me and the instructor for class. This class did have an extra fee as did the yoga the days before.

Once the class was finished, I headed upstairs to the spa for one last acupuncture session. By this time, I didn’t really notice the needles being inserted. I felt very calm and zen after the session.
I then met up with other travel advisors from the same host agency. We chatted for a bit then took some group pictures. It was hot at this point of the day so the pool was next! The pools are very chilly but it feels so good when it’s so hot outside. Due to Covid restrictions, only 6 people are allowed in the pool at once. I know it doesn’t sound like much but it wasn’t really a problem. Most people sit in the shallow end with their feet in the water and few people were actually in the pool. It was king of a weird experience. I spent some time floating on my back looking up at the sky. The sky looks kind of funny because the clouds are moving one way and then you are moving another way because of course the ship is moving.
During the week there were pieces of artwork on the promenade and there was a game to guess the price. This was buildup to attend the art auction because the winners would be announced there! So I attended my first art auction. It was a neat experience and nice just to hear them talk about each piece. I won one of the guess the price things so I got a piece of artwork to take home! They also give you prints for each art thing you attend which is really nice too!

For lunch we headed to Johnny Rocket’s. This particular restaurant is a surcharge. It’s normally $9.99 but for the simulation most things are 50% off. You can order as much food as you want and I was incredibly full after this meal. They brought giant plates of French fries and onion rings to the table.
Since today was the last day, it meant it was time to start packing. I spent some time in the afternoon packing my bags. I really thought I overpacked but it turns out I packed the perfect amount of clothes. I have two clean outfits left. One I’ll wear for my morning on the ship and then a second warmer outfit for my flight home. I did so much on the ship so I went through a decent amount of clothes.
Yesterday, I had raced up the easiest route one the rock wall so today I went to a harder one. Wow, there was a huge difference in difficulty. It took me quite a few tries to get up the first part of this other route. I ended up having to jump since I’m too short to reach the grips. I made it pretty high but my arms were too tired from all the earlier failed attempts. This time I also was beat up a little by the wall. I have some bruises and scrapes from climbing.
I went back to my room to rest and finish packing and then I got ready for the evening. We had one final dinner at the main dining hall. Our servers were amazing and we had the same ones each evening. They made a point to get to know us and our food and drink preferences. It was really nice!
After dinner I had to pop over to the art gallery to claim my prize. We then watched the athletes for the ice skating show. They were previewing the show they are working on. I think the finished show is going to be awesome.
The headliner for tonight was a comedian. He was hysterical and he started with jokes about planes and traveling. I found these jokes incredibly entertaining. He then moved to jokes about Texas and dogs which the crowd seemed to love but as a non-Texan non-dog owner I think most of the punchlines went over my head.
We finished the evening at the pub and then I headed back to my room. Each night I’ve been staying up later and later. It’s going to be hard to adjust back. It’s currently 2am central time which would be 3am eastern time. 🙀
That’s all folks! If you have any questions about cruising or the new cruising health protocols please ask away!
Goodnight! 😴